Verify Your Report

Unleash the power of confidence with verified reports.


Tearms & Conditions

GLS adhere rigorously to the guidelines established by internationally recognized gemological associations, utilizing ethical practices and state-of-the-art gemological instruments. GLS acknowledges the evolving sophistication in gemstone treatment, synthesis methods, and metal alloying. It is important to note that, GLS cannot always ensure the definitive identification of treatments, synthesis, or alloying, and therefore disclaims any guarantees in this regard.

GLS limits its liability under this report solely to the client to whom the report is addressed, as indicated by the certificate number. The client acknowledges and accepts the contents of this report under the following terms and conditions:

  • GLS and its employees disclaim any liability for loss, damage, or expense resulting from errors or omissions in the report or any inscriptions unless such loss, damage, or expense directly stems from fraud, willful misconduct, or gross negligence.
  • In no event shall GLS or its employees be held liable for any special or consequential damages arising from this report.
  • GLS and its appointees are not accountable for deviations and variances that may occur due to repeated inspections or the application of alternative methods.
  • Complaints or claims related to this report will be considered solely at the discretion of GLS management.
  • All matters, disputes, or references to arbitration arising from this report shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the local courts at the place of issuance of this report.
  • This report should not be construed as a guarantee, valuation, or appraisal. GLS reports certify gemstone, jewelry, or metal characteristics, with descriptive references not indicating origin. GLS and affiliates are not liable for any intellectual property infringement arising from the report's descriptive references.